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Eagle Defense Coordinator: Kelly will not goThe defeat of the Philadelphia Eagle indicates that the team will have new changes, but the nearest team’s defensive coordinator Bill Davis (Bill Davis) said Chip Kelly will not leave.

Regardless of whether Kelly agreed to the university’s head coach position, his Philadelphia is basically in the end, but maybe there is a NFL team’s coach’s position worth seeing him. That is Tennesi Toyan, Wholesale Jerseys his Oregon University quartz .

At the beginning of Kelly’s Philadelphia, the team leads the team to enter the playoffs, but the next season will take important players, and the trading does not adapt to the team system, the players who have not adapted to the team system lead to a series of terrible consequences.

Tiger is a quarter of Sakhan, Anderson: It has been able to accept the selected celebritiesKen Anderson is often considered to be one of the best quarters that cannot be selected by the Career Rugby Hall. If he can be selected, the biggest chance is this year, because in order to celebrate the NFL for a hundred years, the famous Hall of Hall has increased the number of candidates this year.

Mai You seems to know that his own destiny, his data after the 2013 season has begun to fall, he fell from 5.9 yards from 5.9 yards last season. So, let us look forward to how Murray and Matthews have completed the efficient sports under Kelly tactics.

Rams rookie running back Geer Li will work with the team joint trainingMonday, St. Louis Rams coach Jeff – Fisher (Jeff Fisher) announced that the team rookie running back Todd – Geer Li (Todd Gurley) will start training with the team together. During the offseason, Geer Li has been engaged in training after injury recovery. Fisher said: “We let him slowly began, but he was able to participate in training 7 of the previous seven he only participated in several 1-on-1 training, can now further..”

The rickets may be degraded again this week.For the recent Arizona Sashlazz, it has become a difficult thing that has become a difficult thing. In the past 5 winning 5 games, they actually got two times. Logan Thomas will have a large number of play times in the 49-person game this week, facing the fifth opponents of the defensive strength rankings, the offense of the rickets may be difficult to encounter.

The 18-pool of the Red Senda came from a rookie playing Chandler Catanzaro, he contributed to the team’s recent two victories. Although 49 people played in San Dien lightning, their strength they showed in the game will inevitably make the prestigious red ramps do not cold.

After Adams from the team, the jet performance is even more bad than the record, which is of course not just the cause of the core security sweeping team. Greg Williams, who was once coached, was taught by Greg Williams, due to the last time at the last game, caused the team to transfer the team.

“We have a very good relationship. I don’t hate Adam – Gates, I have no problems with him, I just think he did not have a good condition as the coach,” Adams said. “This is just my opinion, everyone can have their own opinion, right? I don’t hate Adam. Obviously, the results of the jet show that they are not smooth, but in the end, I will win the game. “

Thomas was only completed by 9 passes in the two played days of this season, but this only completed passed forward, helping the teammate completed the 81 yards of the long distance of the 81 yards. 49 people’s defensive groups have a very experienced on how to limit roads and pass attacks. Their CDR Ranking Alliance is the first, and this will never be a good news for Thomas. Moreover, the red scorpion is very bad, and the game is just a 29-yard advancement.

Lu Rui explained: “Get more players is Kelly game mode, McCoo is a great running guard, but he is also a very high salary. In order to improve the impact of our offensive group, this is Kelly to do. He needs the greatest players in his tuning. “

During Tuesday’s NFL boss meeting, the eagle’s boss Jeffrey Lurie said: “We have discussed the value of McCoo, he is the great player but he is not a Qipp CHIP Kelly style players. “The salary space of McChai is allowed to complete the signature of the team and Demarco Murray and Rayn Mathews.

In the 16 years of Tigel Tiger, Anderson has four quarter-offs ranking alliances first, and there are 3 pass success rate rankings, each of them have 2 passwords, and the average passed forward. The number of codes and the first number of success numbers are first.

An informed source said Geer Li will participate in 11 in 11 in joint training team, and he will put on the “no contact” vest. The team will not require advance Geer Li comeback, everyone is willing to wait for a completely healthy Geer Li.

He became a league MVP in the 1981 season and led the tiger in a superbit in the season. His resume is actually excellent, but it is not enough to let him choose a famous Hall, and he has accepted this reality.

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