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During the 4 consecutive season, the number of four-seventh season in 2015 was more than 950 yards, Tek was poor in the past two seasons. After the hip and shoulder injury, he ruined his 2016 season in the New York jet. He added Tennessee Toyitan last season and completed 54 codes to get 563 yards.

The front first round of Shikang Wei Jonathan – Joseph announced retirement

US time on Thursday, Jonnathan Joseph officially announced its own decommissioned decision to give himself 15 years of NFL career painting.

10 months agoTekn has joined the patriotic layover position that is troubled by the injury and Julian EDELMAN. Kenny Britt (Leg Head) and Malcolm Mitchell (Knee) have been absent from the training. In addition to this patriot, there are Chris Hogan, Phillip Dorsett, and other people in this location.

“In the summer of 2006, I signed the first Cheap nfl jerseys from China contract with Cincinnati. After 15 years, I can say that I have already achieved a dream of playing the child in NFL. I will never forget the childhood, tell my father, I want to The moment I entered NFL playing. “Joseph wrote.

“I am looking forward to competition,” Hyde said. “At that time, I will definitely compete with Kashaad Penny, people who have been in the team, have already stabilized people. So, you must come to the team to compete. You came to the team to strive to squeezing the players already in the team. Carson can easily break through thousands of yards every year. So, if you want to replace such people, it is certainly difficult, but I am willing to compete. This isn’t I am in the league The first year, I will usher in the seventh season, so I am used to competition. This will inspire my best, so I am looking forward to competition. “

Pedon said that this tollove is not only caused by this misdiary. “You always try to get the best choice, some positions in the team, they must always be very important The location gives the correct choice. In the past years, these physicians have completed a good job, but everything is time to change. “

Joseph is the first round show in 2006, and the first three games in the rookie season, making a small contribution to the team. In 2011, he contracted a huge contract with Texas people, and later, for Texas, people’s effectiveness of 9 years. During this period, Joseph was selected for the occupational bowl, completed 17 copies, reached 4 times, 118 ruins, 5 times forced the ball, 428 times.

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That is a very cool moment to take a picture of the camera & mdash; & mdash; NFL player Deweey – Kobe Bryant met Kobe Bryant, and gave a group of children after class A huge surprise in life.

US Time Saturday, according to NFL NetWork reporters, the eagle will join the left side of Jason Peters to join the injury reserve list. The nuclear magnetic resonance imaging results show that Pites toe injury will take several cycle to recover.

When the last season is the effectiveness of Houston Texas, Hyde demonstrates that they can still play a stability when they bear a large number of mushrooms. He completed the 245-time scorpion of his career, got 1070 yards, 6 times, and the average of 4.4 yards per shock.

Hyde, who was signed last month with Hawks for a year, said that “everyone knows” Carson will be started at the health. But admitting that it is a substitute does not mean Hyde abandoned the idea of ​​competition.

Carson still shows excellent performance during health, he should be able to play in the new season after the end of the season in advance of the hip injury. And Peni’s knee injury may lead him to start the new season in the abidents that cannot be appeared. So Hyde will get a lot of opportunities.

“Whatever the final need to do, whether I have any requirements on the coach, which is what we need you to do things that I take. I came to the team, the mentality is to become the first player in each stall run attack appearances Wei, serving the team. “

If you restore health, Carson should remain the Hawie’s head run. But he has never diligently in his career. Hyde should serve as the second run. If Carson is not ready to take a shock mission, Hyde will play a more important role in the new season.

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